
On-air Schedule


Midnight โ€“ 3 a.m.       Red Eye Radio

3 a.m. โ€“ 5 a.m.             CBS Eye on America with John Batchelor

5 a.m. โ€“ 6 a.m.             America In The Morning

6 a.m. โ€“ 10 a.m.          Armstrong & Getty

10 a.m. โ€“ Noon            Vince Coglianese

Noon โ€“ 3 p.m.             Sean Hannity

3 p.m. โ€“ 6 p.m.           Mark Levin

6 p.m. โ€“ 9 p.m.           America at Night with Rich Valdes  

9 p.m. โ€“ 10 p.m.          Duck Insider

11 p.m. โ€“ MID             Red Eye Radio


Midnight โ€“ 3 a.m.       Red Eye Radio

3 a.m. โ€“ 6 a.m.            In The Garden with Ron Wilson

6 a.m. โ€“ 9 a.m.            Handel on the Law

9 a.m. โ€“ Noon             The Weekend with Michael Brown

Noon โ€“ 3 p.m.             Rich On Tech

3 p.m. โ€“ 6 p.m.            Sean Hannity Encore  

6 p.m. โ€“ 10 p.m.          America at Night with Rich Valdes Encore

10 p.m. โ€“ Midnight     Red Eye Radio


Midnight โ€“ 3 a.m.       Red Eye Radio

3 a.m. โ€“ 6 a.m.            CBS Eye on America with John Batchelor Encore

6 a.m. โ€“ 6:30 a.m.       Info Trac

6:30 a.m. โ€“ 7:00 a.m.  America This Week

7 a.m. โ€“ 9 a.m.            Watchdog On Wall Street

9 a.m. โ€“ 11 a.m.          Around The House

11 a.m. โ€“ 2 p.m.          Kim Komando                                     

2 p.m. โ€“ 4 p.m.            NAR Real Estate Today

4 p.m. โ€“ 7 p.m.           Ben Ferguson

7 p.m. โ€“ 10 p.m.         Sterling On Sunday

10 p.m. โ€“ Midnight     Red Eye Radio
